Saturday, 31 January 2009

Double-0 Dabbling!

Well garden railway activity in the last month has been virtually nil, as the weather hasn't been great, and life has been very busy.

However I've been spending some time considering a 00 (indoor!) layout, triggered by my nephew getting a first 00 layout for Christmas! As a result I went rummaging through my parents loft through my old Hornby & Lima stuff. Some is still in pretty good nick, some sadly the victim of an over-enthusiastic teenager frustrated at the lack of detail but without the craft skills to make a change for the better!!!

Anyway this has set the old grey matter turning over; and the idea of a small layout set in the 80s, running my favourite southern region (class 33, 33/1 + 4TC & 73?), & western region (class 47, 50, DMU & maybe an 08 or 03 shunter?) locos & stock does appeal! Currently, something loosely based on Minories is in the air (and also in xtrkcad, an excellent & free layout planning tool), I have a Railway Modeller issue from last summer (bought for the garden railway articles), that has a great article on recent Minories variations.

At last weekend's Eastleigh model railway show I managed to have a go at white metal soldering, and picked up some low melt solder & flux, so hopefully so garden railway kit construction soon (I fancy an IP Lister or similar...).